Lapege is a conduit to sophisticated quality products, representing leading international brands and designs. The latest addition to the Lapege collection is this wonderful range of Italian vanities and baths.
The products are made using a material called vetroghiaccio (ice-glass). Vetroghiaccio is a mix of resins and glass pigments. At the end of the treatment, the material is coated with a clear polyurethane-based varnish, which gives it extra shine and excellent resistance to the chemical agents normally used in house cleaning.
The transparency of vetroghiaccio interplays with the variations in thickness and shape of the products to create captivating colour shades. Products are available in transparent red, apple green, amber and blue. There is also the option of black, made from a similar material (technoglass) with a velvet appearance, which combines aluminium hydroxide for strength with polyester resins.
The texture and colours of the glass are what make the products unique. Featuring a vanity or bath like this creates a dramatic feature in your bathroom. The sleek designs available mean the look won’t date quickly and will maintain a classic appeal while showcasing modern colours.
Located in Fitzroy, Lapege specialise in high-end European brands and supply to a range of architects, designers, stonemasons, builders and tilers. Importers of unique stone, ceramic, porcelain tiles and glass mosaics, several of Lapege’s brands are found exclusively at their showroom.
146 Johnston Street
Tel: (03) 9419 8777
Morena Petrolo –
John Petrolo –