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Service with a Difference

Feb 20, 2023 | Industry News

In collaboration with the fabulous designer Sam Robinson, Better Bathrooms & Kitchens is proud to announce that its managing director, Garrett Hebden, has come first place in not one, but two categories at the HIA-CSR Victorian Housing and Kitchen & Bathroom Awards 2022 – the HIA Victorian Kitchen of the Year and the HIA Victorian New Kitchen over $80,000. Resulting from these inspiring achievements, Better Bathrooms & Kitchens will be representing Victoria in the nationwide HIA-\ CSR Housing and Kitchen & Bathroom Awards in 2023. If it couldn’t get anymore incredible, the company is also celebrating the hard-earned win for the KBDi Traditional or Themed Award 2022. Truly sensational! Blending elegance with absolutely stellar design, the creation of this stunning kitchen is well worth the awards. From the grand marble countertop to the classic cabinetry, this timeless masterpiece is truly something to behold.

www.justbetter.com.au | www.samrobinson.com.au